That a white kid could wear this hoodie and nothing would seem off yet as soon as I, and my fellow black people, seen this and it was hugely offensive should tell you something. Smh
As black people we were always referred to and as, animals. ESPECIALLY monkeys.
I think that the refusal for whites to understand how something that seems so small in your world is absolutely humongous in ours is the reason that we cant get over this hump to equality.
Instead of you respecting and doing your research about our culture and our history you just refuse to figure anything out and expect us to roll over and take the punches that come with that.
You’d (im not speaking specifically) rather make it a small simple word, or a small mistake and think we should just take it.
Think a couple of years from now you open an hm app and see a shirt on a little white girl that says “my name is karen and Im entitled” or “My name is Karen Im spoiled” or “Just like my ancestors I own everything” while seemingly innocent and some can be taken horribly we know at the root of this theres a problem. We know from the root of this there is history.
For the first time im seeing what white history is starting to become and I think its going to take yall about 10 years to realize that the Karens, beckys, and jessicas are no longer funny or amusing slurs. there might not be a lot but there are a few “karens” that have been arrested and also a few toms, and other white men as well for doing things that we as people are deeming racially motivated.
The world is turning and slowly but surely youre all about to see how much a name hurts EVEN though you know its not directed at you. Youre going to see the fear of what it feels like to be afraid to move because you know the world is watching and waiting to point there fingers at you to say you did wrong. To feel the hurt of your daughter coming home because shes being bullied by the color of HER SKIN and being called Karens and whatever else they come up with over the years.
Dont get me wrong I dont agree with it. With any of it the name calling, bullying,or anything. Im looking for equality not superiority. But there’s no stopping the trajectory of where we are headed. Its happening slowly but surely and it’s sad.
But i just hope whites stop to understand and do research on things because if you never understand you’ll never see your wrongs and if you don’t see your wrongs you won’t ever change.
With a history as deep and rooted in this american soil things like this will NEVER be okay. Dont think we have to or that we will ever look over this. My black son’s representation shouldnt be a monkey on a sweater but as a post said he should be looked at as a KING something POSITIVE!
While your white child could wear this and still feel happy and unbothered mine cannot and for that reason alone you should understand and respect our feelings.
Sorry im all over the place im just very passionate about this subject and it gets tiring trying to get people with blinders on to see something thats right in front of their face.